Sunday, December 31, 2006

Post from Chronicle Herald

This is a post I found today in the Chronicle Herald

"Fibromyalgia sufferers can fight back TARA PATRIQUIN

FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME (FMS) causes chronic pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons. But what causes FMS is another story. It is a mysterious syndrome, affecting four-times more women than men, with no apparent physical cause.
Some of the more obvious factors that are considered likely to be causes include injuries, accidents, surgeries, other illness or infections that compromise the immune system, and stress.
While there are no specific diagnostic tests to label this disease with 100 per cent certainty, it can affect nearly every part of the body. So when testing for it, doctors will check 18 tender points. The majority of these points cluster around the upper body including the neck, shoulders, chest, elbows and mid back. The lower body gets attention around the hips, thighs and buttocks.
Some associated symptoms with fibromyalgia include irritable bowel and/or bladder, strange sensations of the skin, headaches, insomnia, TMJ, dizziness, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, digestive upset and malabsorption, anxiety or memory impairment.
To further complicate things, the correlation between FMS and its "symptom" of depression, is a little blurry.
The question remains, which came first? The chicken or the egg? "

The article goes on to say that sufferers can deal with Fibromyalgia and fight back with diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyles and alternative medicine. To find out more about this approach, we have the information at

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ridfibromyalgia Up and Serving FM sufferers

I wanted to make 2 points in this post relating to Fibromyalgia. The first is that our site is finally up and running and here to serve you. If you have questions about the pain, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, or anything else you may be feeling in association to your fibromyalgia, please feel free to email us at and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Second point on this post is IBD, also known as Crohn's or Colitis, sometimes diagnosed or mis-diagnosed as IBS. As part of my huge health ordeal I had this problem related to Fibromyalgia. Well, the important thing I wanted to note with it is it can complicate pregnancy.

In fact, based on over 12 studies published over the last 20 years or so, Mom's with IBD were at risk of delivering premature babies more than twice than healthy mom to be's. Also, moms were more than 1 and 1/2 times more likely to have C-sections.

But the good news is if you are struggling with inflammatory bowel disease or symptoms of Crohn's, colitis, or IBS, there are things you can do to fight this. A simple addition of two supplements of krill oil and probiotics can do major benefits for these problems. For more info see
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