Monday, March 26, 2007

I've been accused of....

Okay, so someone sent me an email saying all I want to do is make money off of people's sicknesses. Her name was nurse Mary, I think she is a myspacer. Anyway, I told her how I think that she is wrong considering the fact that all of the information that I offer is researched, updated and most of it is offered on our site completely free. People are welcome to sign up for our free newsletter with healing tips, or read one of our many free articles found at

I guess I am a little offended because people are so worried about being scammed. Our site offers a book for 27.00 that is money back guaranteed so that you can't be scammed. If the book does not help, then ask for a refund. If it does help then you are getting way more of a value than the meesly 27.00 it asks for. It helped me and I hope that it helps others. Chiropractor's office visits are much more than this and offer a lot less. Now onto this weeks article...

To see our article on how cupping therapy helps fm sufferers visit It talks about the benefits of this ancient chinese practice and you may want to look up more information on it. Best of luck to you and your health.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Have Been Saying So...Now Validated

I've been talking about a comprehensive natural healing plan for fibromyalgia and now it's being validated left and right through studies.

This was on pubmed 3/1...
Thought you would like to see it.

BACKGROUND: Chronic musculoskeletal pain of diffuse origin affects many, and at a significant cost. Evidence-based guidelines for therapeutic interventions are presented and exemplified.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: 200 patients with chronic myofascial pain and/or fibromyalgia who participated in a 4-week multidimensional rehabilitation programme, were included in the study. The programme included education and pain management in a cognitive setting, various forms of aerobic exercises, myofascial pain treatment, relaxation and medication as needed. The patients filled in questionnaires on arrival, at follow-up after six and 12-months and at discharge. They completed visual analogue scales (pain, fatigue, sleep problems, depression), the Nottingham Health Profile, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, global subjective improvement, and during the follow-up period also the physical activity level, changes in quality of life and occupational workload. Work capacity, a tender point count and whether patients met the diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia were assessed at baseline and at discharge.

RESULTS: Significant improvements were seen in all variables throughout the follow-up period. 30 % of the fibromyalgia patients no longer met the diagnostic criteria at discharge. There was a significant increase in quality of life over time. After one year, more patients had returned to work and fewer were off sick, but there was also an increased number on disability pensions. The majority did exercise training on a regular basis.

INTERPRETATION: Our findings confirm the existing evidence-based guidelines by showing that multidimensional rehabilitation is an effective intervention for patients with widespread chronic pain. It is a challenge for health politicians to change today's common practice towards that described in evidence-based guidelines.
PMID: 17332816 [PubMed - in process]

For more info on how to incorporate this comprehensive Fibromyalgia healing plan visit

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Highly Used Treatment Options for FM Sufferers

These are some of the most common treatment options used in fibromyalgia sufferers.

Acupuncture- Acupuncture stems from the Chinese philosophy of energy flowing in the meridians that lie below the skin. Energy imbalances in these meridians is used for the diagnosis of disease. Acupuncturists insert very fine needles into the skin to balance energy as in fibromyalgia pain treatment. Acupuncture is often used to help control pain and is beneficial for pain management in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Chiropractic treatment-based on the premise that restricted movement in the spine may lead to reduced function and pain. Spinal adjustment (manipulation) is one form of therapy a chiropractor uses to treat restricted spinal mobility. The goal is to restore spinal movement and, as a result, improve function, decreasing pain. Manipulation does not need to be forceful to be effective. A Chiropractor may also use soft tissue massage in the treatment of FMS, stretching muscles that are shortened or in spasm

Diet and Nutrition-A natural Fibromyalgia Treatment and balanced fibromyalgia nutrition diet can be helpful in counteracting stress, removing toxins from the body, and restoring the natural balance of nutrients

Exercise Fibromyalgia Exercise - see article on exercise and the benefits to FM patients.


Homeopathy- The word Homeopathy (or Homoeopathy) is derived from the Greek words “homoios”, meaning “like” or “similar”; and “pathos”, meaning “suffering” or ”disease”. Homeopathy is a system of medical therapeutics for treating based on the principle of “similae” or “simile.” “Disease is eliminated through remedies able to produce similar symptoms.” The principle is that certain substances (herbs, minerals, inorganic salts, and other organic materials, etc.) in full strength yield the same symptoms as does a known disease, and that those same substances when "potentised" (or diluted and vigorously agitated) can provide relief of those same symptoms

Medications frequently used
muscle relaxants

Having a comprehensive healing system that incorporates a natural approach with proven success rates is important. To see such a system visit us at
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